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Canadian Press - CTV Toronto
Wed. Apr. 12 2006 6:04 PM ET
[SISIS note: The following mainstream news article is provided for reference only, as an example of how mainstream media treats indigenous resistance to genocide. Mainstream media often presents biased and distorted information, lacking pertinent facts and/or context. Inclusion of this article on our site should not be considered an endorsement by SISIS.]
TORONTO — Ontario is contemplating whether to compensate builders and housing contractors affected by the native occupation of a southern Ontario construction site, the province's aboriginal affairs minister said Wednesday.
"We'd be prepared to consider that," David Ramsay said of the possibility of financial help for businesses affected by the six-week-old standoff.
"We're trying to find out what all the concerns are."
Ramsay said the province was meeting with all those involved, aboriginal protesters and developers, in a bid to address the varied concerns.
Six Nations protesters are occupying a housing project in Caledonia, Ont., southwest of Hamilton, that they say sits on native land.
They argue that the land was part of a large land grant back in 1784. But Canada and Ontario say the land was surrendered in 1841 to help build a major highway in the area.
The occupation has halted construction at a site owned by Henco Industries.
"We certainly know that the developer and the contractors that are there to build that subdivision have been financially hurt," Ramsay said.
"We want to work with them and find out what that financial pain is and see if there's anything we can do to help them through this."
The company obtained an injunction last month to remove the protesters from the site, but they maintain their presence and police haven't taken action to enforce the injunction.
In the legislature, Ramsay said all the groups involved were meeting Wednesday to consider a specific proposal, but he didn't elaborate.
"This is a very serious situation," Ramsay said. "I have to be very hopeful that we're going to see a peaceful end to this situation."
The government and the other groups are in talks now to find a plan where everyone brings something to the table to alleviate the situation, Ramsay said.
"We think we can resolve this by negotiating, and by talking so that's what we're doing," he said.