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Montreal -- April 20, 2006
A group of about 30 demonstrators gathered for an emergency demonstration to denounce the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) attack on indigenous protesters defending their land at Six Nations.
The demonstration, which was called with just a few hours notice, gathered at Cabot Park in downtown Montreal. After speeches by Misty and Tania, two local indigenous solidarity activists, the demonstration marched along Ste-Catherine Street. Protesters chanted: "Indigenous rights under attack, what do we do? Stand up and fight back"; "Land, freedom, self-determination, Canada is an illegal nation!"; and, in French: "Fin de l'occupation, respectez les Six Nations!"
Members of the Indigenous Peoples Solidarity Movement (IPSM) and allied groups will continue to raise awareness and mobilize to show support and solidarity with the indigenous resistance at Six Nations.
To stay in touch with the IPSM: or 514-848-7583.