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Support picket: Westbank, Okanagan Nation

April 25, 2006 | 22:56:09 -0700

Dear Friends:

Grassroots Okanagan peoples demonstrated in support of the Clan Mothers and the Iroquois Confederacy who are protecting their land rights at the Caledonia Stand Off. They had their support picket on Highway 97 in front of the Westbank Band Office. The organizers did get a lot of media come out and they expressed their support for the  indigenous peoples at Caledonia. The organizers and participants at  the support picket made a commitment to continue to support through direct political action until this critical stand off is resolved. The Information Picket did close in late afternoon but the organizers will keep a close eye on what is happening back east and are on alert and will get back together if the federal and provincial governments forcefully attempt to crush the stand off.

Arthur Manuel
cell: (250) 319-0688

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