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Justin Beddall - Staff Reporter
North Shore Outlook
April 27, 2006
[SISIS note: The following mainstream news article is provided for reference only, as an example of how mainstream media treats indigenous resistance to genocide. Mainstream media often presents biased and distorted information, lacking pertinent facts and/or context. Inclusion of this article on our site should not be considered an endorsement by SISIS.]
In a show of solidarity, a member of the Squamish Nation band has raised a red Mohawk flag near the busy intersection at the corner of Forbes Avenue and West 3rd Street.
Last Thursday, the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) executed a predawn raid at the site of a land dispute in Caledonia, Ont., which has raised tensions on the Six Nations Reserve there and prompted CN Rail blockades by neighbouring Mohawks from the Tyendinaga Reserve in Belleville, Ont., in a display of First Nations unity.
Squamish Nation Chief Bill Williams, reached on Monday by The North Shore Outlook, was aware of the large red flag depicting a Mohawk warrior inside a yellow sun located on the Squamish Nation’s Mission Reserve, kitty-corner to the Mohawk Service Station on East 3rd Street.
"That went up on the day that the OPP scoop on the claimed land. It was put up by one of our Nation members who happened to have a Mohawk flag, who is not, in fact, Mohawk, he’s 100 per cent Squamish.
"He put the flag up in sympathy,” he said.
Williams said that the man who raised the flag did not seek approval from the Squamish Nation council. "He just went ahead and did it. It had nothing to do with the Squamish Nation council whatsoever,” Williams added. "It’s nice to show some support.”
"They plan to take the flag down as soon as (the land claim) event is taken care of.”