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From: TheBasketCase <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2006 9:21 PM
Greetings from Grand River
Thought i'd better give an update on the land reclaimation at Six Nations. Things are very quiet around the camp. Maybe too quiet? I've been very busy trying to ensure that messages are being relayed to all parties, working closely with the clanmothers on the site in keeping the peace, getting paperwork together and meeting with the delegates of the "negotiating team" to ensure that the voice of the people is being heard.
here's an update. yesterday, there was a meeting with opp, prov, fed, elective band council reps, traditional council reps (delegated chiefs and clanmothers), as well as delegates from the site. From what i understand there were a couple of things put to the government for consideration. government officials are still trying to get the road opened (hwy#6 running through caledonia in front of site). Alan MacNaughton reminded them of Oka, and how even though talks were happending, the road was opened, they still moved the army in. trust issues!!!
some of the clanmothers talked about our health and welfare, the land, the water etc. the daughter of one of the delegates in attendance talked about the good changes that are happening to our people, she shared about a friend of hers who was into drugs and alcohol, and how since he started helping out at the site, has not had the desire for such. pretty much small talk.
today the developers lawyer was at the table. he wanted his clients files and computer from the site. he was interviewed later and shown on national tv that the compensation that the government provided to his clients WAS NOT a buy out. it was intended to cover some of the losses that they have suffered since the "occupation". He was quoted as saying that they fully intend on finishing the 300 proposed houses on the site. The henning brothers themselves were interviewed and told "don't worry Caledonia, we'll be back building the houses within 2 weeks". Wonder what he knows huh!
In light of that statement, i thought i'd better share some other observations i have been making. last Friday night when the residents of caledonia were rallying, they handed out flyers with "KKK" jargon and pictures telling caledonia that the next rally they're to "wear your best sheets". while it could be just another attempt at getting us to respond, my concern is more historical in nature. i am told that when that happened in Chateagauy in 1990, it wasn't long after that the army rolled in. just an observation so if you're talking to canada, let them know "the eye of the eagle is upon them, and to govern themselves accordingly!".
there has been definite attempts to discredit, plant evidence etc. at the site, but i give credit to our men who are doing an awsome job with security. they see a situation, they deal with it immediately, if they require the women's help, we do so together. it is really a wonderful display of respect with each other and for the Law.
There was another people's meeting tonight, i was not able to attend but sent a recorder in, so hopefully i will be sending out another "minutes of meeting" to all so they can keep abreast of what is happening. past band council land's researcher Phil Monture was making a presentation tonight, and even according to "Canadian law" he say's the town of caledonia is definitely unceded. so i hope that the people who were talking about relocation of us "indians" will consider their own options when the time comes. I must be tired cause normally i keep a good mind so forgive my indulgence in "back atcha" statements.
at least one helicopter overhead today. dick immediately called opp to remind them of our 'no-fly' zone. there was also a weird looking plane (glider) above. not too sure what that was about. OPP representative Ron George insists there is no army that they've called in, the rcmp have moved back. but don't you think if they seriously wanted to look at this situation they'd send their opp home too? as far as the people are concerned, their options are simple. STOP THE CONSTRUCTION. then we'll talk. would make life easier on everyone. I've always said, life is simple, it's people who make it complicated.
on a more serious note, we have had a company known for its work in "dowsing" wells and graves to the site last week. they are coming back to the site tomorrow to meet with the people designated to pursue the area of graves. estimated 3700 - 3800 bodies in the lands. there is also a team (?) of archelogical people, professors? coming from Trent University tomorrow with whatever research maps etc. they have on this particular land as well. Interestingly enough, after the dowsing company was in over a week ago, one of our local elders, Earl MacNaughton who is also familar with the practice walked the site accompanied by a couple of the onondaga clan. without any knowledge of the other companies report, he pretty much said the same thing. henceforth, we are bringing them together for a conference.
Alan MacNaughton did put it to the government that they should pay for one of those sonar(?) machine's that travels over land to determine where graves are (should have already been done by henco), and we will be proceeding with that. rest assured that we will not allow any digging or excavating of the site. we just want to be able to mark it out so that we aren't disrespecting the resting places of our ancestors. i know that there are some under the road that henco has built as well as more than likely where some of the houses were built already. we are also taking care of our ancestors spiritually and they know we are looking after them, and we know they are looking after us.
talks will resume tommorrow as far as the "preliminary" discussion and i myself am concerned more over the "who" is sitting at the table. no sense talking to opp, prov., feds etc. they really need to show more respect to the nation to nation dialogue we have insisted upon.
some good news. David Maracle from Tyendinage and a slew of other "native musicians" want to do a benefit concert on June 17th (tentative). as soon as it goes through the people we will confirm. so keep your calendar marked and let your voice be heard if you think it's a good idea.
I was also told that the wampum was sent from council this past saturday to call a grand council so if you've heard, let me know, cause i was a bit confused as to whether it did or didn't pass through council. the people have been asking for it since we started so it will be good if they finally called one.
i tried to call Doreen Silversmith to see how her presentation went to the UN but was unable to reach her, so i will be forwarding a copy of the message she delivered on our behalf tomorrow. I'm working out of three computers and still can't figure out how to get all the same information into one. sorry, i'm a bit illiterate when it comes to technical stuff. BUT, i do have it on the laptop and will forward from the site tommorrow.
i'm meeting with the dowsing team tomorrow at 1:00 and will send further updates from the site tomorrow. As i've said, things are quiet and the message hasn't changed. we're staying. the land is ours. and i want to remind everyone of you how important your help and support has been throughout all of this. keep the e-mails going. keep the prayers going. i can assure you that we do not intend on rushing into anything. like Karl VanEvery said, lets make them wait 200 years.
good nite all.