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Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
May 3, 2006
[SISIS note: The following government press release is provided for reference only, as an example of how the colonial government treats indigenous resistance to genocide. Inclusion of this article on our site should not be considered an endorsement by SISIS.]
Ottawa, Ontario (May 3, 2006) - The Honourable Jim Prentice, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians, today appointed the Honourable Barbara McDougall as the federal representative in discussions aimed at addressing issues raised by the Six Nations community.
“Ms. McDougall is fully qualified to undertake this important task. With her experience in politics, law and community service, she fully appreciates the complexities of the situation and will help bring about an honourable resolution,” said Minister Prentice.
As outlined in the agreement reached on April 21 by all parties, Ms. McDougall has the mandate to work with provincial, municipal and Six Nations representatives to develop a detailed work plan that will provide for effective ways to address and resolve outstanding issues related to land claims and governance. She will be supported by a senior negotiator, Ronald Doering, in her efforts to achieve agreement during these talks. The work plan developed by the representatives will then be presented to all parties for approval.
“This is a positive step that will help Six Nations and the federal and provincial governments to work together and address longstanding issues. I encourage all members of Six Nations as well as Haldimand County residents to recognize the goodwill at the discussion table, as we all work to maintain the long history of close relations between both communities,” Minister Prentice added.
Minister Prentice thanked his Cabinet colleague, the Honourable Diane Finley, for her efforts related to the events in Caledonia. “Diane Finley is an outstanding representative for Haldimand-Norfolk and has been working tirelessly to make sure that the community’s views are heard, especially its hope for a speedy and peaceful resolution of the situation.”
For further information, contact:
Media Relations Unit
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
(819) 953-1160
The Honourable Barbara McDougall, PC, OC, CFA, BA, HonLLD (St. Lawrence)
The Honourable Barbara McDougall served as a Member of the Parliament of Canada from the riding of St. Paul's, Ontario, from 1984 to 1993, joining the Cabinet from 1986 to 1993 as Minister of State for Finance, Minister of State for the Status of Women, Minister of Employment and Immigration and Minister of External Affairs. She is an honorary governor of York University and is Chair of the Patrons' Council for the Toronto Association for Community Living. Mrs. McDougall was the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian Institute of International Affairs and she is currently an Advisor at Aird and Berlis LLP. She will be working with Dr. Ronald Doering to discuss issues relating to land claims and governance in the Six Nations community in southern Ontario.
Ronald L. Doering, B.A., LL.B., M.A., LL.D.
Dr. Doering held a number of positions at the Assistant Deputy and Deputy Minister levels before he retired from the Government of Canada. With over 35 years experience in law and public policy/administration, Dr. Doering has had a long experience in aboriginal matters, with considerable experience in Aboriginal constitutional law, Aboriginal self-government, specific and comprehensive claims policy and practice. He has acted for many Aboriginal groups including the Dene Nation, the Inuit of the Eastern Arctic and Labrador. He has been a senior policy and legal advisor on Aboriginal claims and self-government for the governments of Canada, Saskatchewan and the Northwest Territories. He was a member of the Canadian Bar Association Special Committee on the Native Justice that produced Aboriginal Rights in Canada: An Agenda for Action and was a founding executive member of the Native Law Section of the Canadian Bar Association.