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From: TheBasketCase <>
Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2006 5:01 AM
this morning i awoke to a beautiful sunrise and was reminded of why we are all here. when i think about where we stand, each of us, as very small dots in all of creation and i pray that each of us, will do our part, for what He has put us here to do. i can only ask for guidance for myself and cannot presume to do so for anyone else, but i pray each day for unity, peace light and love and the TRUTH, for the Onkwehonweh Nations of the World. it is in this truth that we continue on the path today. at points it is seemingly energy being wasted when we are dealing with personalities and Me-ism. then i am reminded deep within that that is why He gave us each our mind, to share and listen to one and other and from that, hopefully we can come to an understanding together. to gain concensus, because afterall, isn't that what Our Law reminds us of?
The people are very concerned of who is sitting at the table of our delgation. even i have had concerns. today, i wonder if it is the delegates that are carrying our voices, or is it the Message that we have to concern ourselves with. no matter who is chosen to sit, someone, somewhere will have a problem with them. i believe our energy and concentration is better spent on ensuring that the delegates are reminded each and every step of the way, that EVERYTHING must be ratified by the people. NOTHING is to be agreed upon unless being brought back to the people. that has been stated from the beginning, and from what i have noticed, that is what is being done. when suggestions are made at the table, they come back to the people. for instance, it was suggested that the train bridge be cleared. at the time, the delegates thought it would be an act of "good faith". the people upon consideration, felt that it is we who always have to show good faith, and for over 200 years have been putting faith into a system that has no understanding or caring of what we as a people have a responsiblity to. they cannot and do not comprehend that we are nation, distinct, and that Canada is the visitor who must show "good faith". we denied access to the railway. the government and canadians view that as us holding them hostage, or our actions of militancy. how long have we been held hostage in our own country?
as of yesterday's council, the following delegates are sitting at the table come Tuesday.......Mohawk's Alan MacNaughton and Joe Skye, Cayuga's Leroy (Jock) Hill, Sam General and Steve Maracle, Some Clanmothers and women who have been chosen to bring their voices forward include Brenda Johnson, Wendy Hill and Beverley Jacobs. The designates from the site are Pete Isaacs and Jacqueline House. Others in attendance will be Alva Martin and as far as i was told, Howard Elijah has been asked to sit against the wall for the Oneida's to observe and listen and to carry the information back to their Nation. Brian Doolittle was brought in by someone (?) as a P.R. person. Whether there are others i do not know cause i do not attend the meetings. it has been suggested that I continually interrupt the meetings and i thank that person for the power they lend to me, but in all honesty, like you and everyone else, i have to wait for an update. sometimes that does not come immediately. so my suggestion to the delegates chosen from the site will be very simple. please provide an update daily so that i can share with everyone else. hopefully we will be able to do this so that each and everyone of us will know what is being discussed and then you can e-mail your concerns questions back.
today, there is a gathering of people at Chiefswood Park, suggested that everyone come and leave the titles and labels behind and come only as people. to bring together everyone regardless of religion, political affiliations etc. etc. to remove the barriers that constantly divide us. from the park they will travel to the site and join at the fire. at least that is my understanding. i remember writing something similar years ago about bring the people together when the people had stopped the band council and city of brantford from putting through a road on our territory which again, had graves. it was called the "glebe lands". the road never went through, and the people never came together as one at that time, but we are now, and afterall, everything happens when it's suppose to.
as far as the burial grounds on the site, there have been a few people delegated to follow through on making sure this is being looked after. so far, the dowswers have been back out and have marked off an area which is small in comparison to the whole site, but a start at recognizing what is really there, and from this point, those delegates will bring a summary of options to the rest and we can decide how to proceed. one option is have the sonar machine (?) travel over the area and determine whether there is something there. there was a suggestion that a 'skimming' of the dirt be removed from the top and that will show a difference in the earth below that would show graves and how it settles differently. i imagine there are other options that will be presented and when i do have something to report, i will. i know that everyone is taking this very seriously as the entire area that was developed, some of which has roads and houses built on already, could have been the area of a mass burial ground. it has been disrupted to the point now that we probably won't know exactly what was there, so we are concentrating on the area's that have gone untouched.
we continue to get support on a daily basis. a bank account has been set up in order to be accountable for the donations that are coming in. we thank each and everyone of you who has sent in donations and they are deeply appreciated. the donations of food continue and again nya weh!.
I don't have much more than that today. i did suggest to one supporter that perhaps we need to make sure we have a contact for each territory, each of the different longhouses, to ensure that we are reaching everyone. i don't know if that is possible but it is a thought. there is nothing worse than feeling that your voice is not being heard and i don't want to leave anyone out. just my thoughts. will check in later and hopefully, the internet will work on the site today. yesterday it wouldn't. it has happened a couple of times there. we will continue to provide updates as we can, and thanks again to everyone who shares them with others who might not be on the list here.
talk to you later and will let you know how the gathering went.