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County refunds Hennings

Karen Best - Staff
Haldimand Review
Local News - Thursday, May 11, 2006 @ 09:00

[SISIS note: The following mainstream news article is provided for reference only, as an example of how mainstream media treats indigenous resistance to genocide. Mainstream media often presents biased and distorted information, lacking pertinent facts and/or context. Inclusion of this article on our site should not be considered an endorsement by SISIS.]

CALEDONIA -- Henco Industries Incorporated is thankful for a $256,687 refund for installing over sized water, sewer and storm systems in the Douglas Creek Estates subdivision in Caledonia.

According to county planning and economic development general manager Steve Miazga, Henco was refunded for oversizing pipes, which is normally the municipality’s responsibility. The company opted to pay the costs to get the project underway as soon as possible, he added.

The refund will be paid out of roads and sanitary sewer reserves.

In a press release, Henco Industries stated that the oversizing is a benefit to the municipality and can accommodate future development on adjacent lands.

The company spent about $520,000 on this project. In total, Henco has invested approximately $6 million in subdivision construction.

The company is receiving funding when its financial position is precarious due to costs incurred while native occupation is ongoing.

In this last release, the company refuted protesters’ claims that 3,700 bodies are buried in the subdivision. In an extensive archeological assessment on 100 acres, Mayer Heritage Consultants, which has worked for both native and non-native groups, found no burial sites. The Ontario Ministry of Culture accepted the assessment. A second assessment on the remaining 35 acres of the property has also been completed and filed with the ministry for review.

Recently native spokesman Clyde Powless said the company’s archaeological report was borrowed from their office on the construction site.

Members of the media heard of reports that burial sites were found by dowsing.

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