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Chief MacNaughton compliments land claim protestors on their discretion

Attention News Editors

OHSWEKEN, ON, May 19 /CNW/ - "There is progress and maturity" in the Six Nations land rights dispute, according to Chief Allen MacNaughton. Chief MacNaughton, Cayuga Sub-Chief Leroy Hill and David Peterson representing Ontario are the negotiators who are trying to ease current tensions over a land rights dispute in Caledonia.

Chief MacNaughton says he's very pleased that protestors are gradually disengaging at the site. In fact, they have shown great responsibility in ensuring that emergency vehicles as well as local traffic have been able to pass through the area with ease. Protesters have removed some of the items that form their blockage, such as rock piles. Encampments, including the cookhouse and other facilities have been moved farther off the road and onto the disputed lands.

"All this means that the protesters have taken the high road in showing that public safety is paramount, but they haven't backed off their position at all. Their actions reflect what was discussed at the bargaining table and bodes well for the future", says Chief MacNaughton. The Six Nations will be celebrating Victoria Day weekend with bread and cheese, a recognition of their historic treaty of alliance with the British Crown.

Talks continue next week.

For further information: Elvera Garlow,

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