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Ontario Legislature endorses motion on Caledonia inquiry

Tory calls for McGuinty to respect the will of the Legislature and announce inquiry

CNW Group
June 5, 2006

[SISIS note: The following press release is provided for reference only. Inclusion of this article on our site should not be considered an endorsement by SISIS.]

QUEEN'S PARK /CNW/ - Progressive Conservative Party Leader John Tory today welcomed the Ontario Legislature passing a PC motion for a public inquiry into Dalton McGuinty's poor leadership in handling the ongoing Caledonia protest.

"I am disappointed the Liberals have carried on with their disinterest in this matter including today's debate. However, the Legislature has spoken and I look forward to Dalton McGuinty calling a public inquiry into his government's handling of this situation," said Tory.

"I urge Mr. McGuinty to respect the will of the Legislature and act on this motion. A public inquiry is needed to prevent similar chaotic confrontations on land claim issues from happening again," said Tory.

The full text of the motion follows.

Mr. Tory - That the Legislative Assembly calls upon the government,

To recognize that the McGuinty government was made aware of the Six Nations' land claim issues at Caledonia in August 2005, yet allowed the situation to escalate to a full-blown standoff starting on February 28, 2006;

To recognize that the McGuinty government refused even to acknowledge the Caledonia land occupation as a provincial issue until Day 42 of the standoff;

To recognize that the McGuinty government's Places to Grow Act was a catalyst in igniting the standoff, since it provides a legal framework for the McGuinty Liberals to designate any area of land as a growth plan area;

To recognize that the McGuinty government further provoked the situation with a regulation identifying the Greater Golden Horseshoe area as the first area for which a growth plan will be prepared;

To recognize that the Premier's procrastination and failure to show leadership when it was most needed, allowed this situation to escalate into a public safety crisis;

To recognize that the McGuinty Liberals have refused to compensate the OPP for the unforeseen costs incurred while policing Caledonia and to reimburse municipalities policed by the OPP that sent officers to Caledonia;

To recommend to the Lieutenant Governor in Council that a Commission be appointed to inquire into and report on how absence of communication and lack of leadership by Premier McGuinty and his Liberal government allowed the Caledonia situation to escalate to a full-blown standoff and subsequently a public security crisis;

To accept recommendations from the Commission directed to preventing similar chaotic confrontations when dealing with future land claim issues in the province, including recommendations with respect to ways in which we can improve dispute resolution in this area and enhance respect for the rule of law; and

To grant the Commission powers under the Public Inquiries Act.

Addressed to the Premier of Ontario.

For further information: Brendan Howe, (416) 325-0412

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