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BBC News
Last Updated: Monday, 12 June 2006, 09:51 GMT 10:51 UK
[SISIS note: The following mainstream news article is provided for reference only, as an example of how mainstream media treats indigenous resistance to genocide. Mainstream media often presents biased and distorted information, lacking pertinent facts and/or context. Inclusion of this article on our site should not be considered an endorsement by SISIS.]
Police are seeking seven people, accusing them of attempted murder and assault at the scene of a long-running land protest by indigenous Canadians.
The suspects are accused of hijacking a US Border Patrol vehicle and trying to run over a Canadian police officer.
Indigenous leaders have condemned the violence which happened on Friday at a building site in Caledonia, Ontario.
Native Canadians took over the site in February, saying the houses were being built on land that belongs to them.
Police said protesters surrounded a US Border Patrol vehicle and dragged out its three occupants.
They say the stolen car was then driven at a Canadian police officer who was pulled to safety by colleagues and suffered minor injuries.
The US border agents were in Caledonia, 110km (70 miles) from Toronto, to see how local police were handling the standoff.
In another clash, demonstrators surrounded the car of an elderly couple, while a television crew covering the protest were assaulted and a cameraman needed stitches.
As news of the scuffles spread, townspeople gathered to demand that the police act to end the blockade.
The Six Nations Confederacy, which has organised the blockade, issued a statement, rejecting violence in any form.
"The actions which occurred at the Six Nations reclamation site and within the town of Caledonia...are very disheartening," it said.
"Our prayers and concern are with those who were injured during the outbreaks... A peaceful co-existence with our neighbours and the safety of all remain at the paramount of our concerns."
Friday's violence was the latest in a series of incidents since protesters from the nearby Six Nations Reserve blockaded the half-finished housing project.
They say the land was granted to native, or First Canadians, in 1784.
A judge granted an injunction in March to remove the occupiers but a police operation to end the blockade in April failed.
Until Friday, correspondents say tempers appeared to have cooled.