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Katie Rook - CanWest News Service
National Post
Published: Monday, June 12, 2006
[SISIS note: The following mainstream news article is provided for reference only, as an example of how mainstream media treats indigenous resistance to genocide. Mainstream media often presents biased and distorted information, lacking pertinent facts and/or context. Inclusion of this article on our site should not be considered an endorsement by SISIS.]
A Six Nations man is being sought for attempted murder after protesters in Caledonia, Ont., allegedly stole a U.S. Border Patrol cruiser and attempted to run down a provincial police officer.
The U.S. border agents were in Caledonia, the site of an ongoing land-claim dispute, on ''official business'' Friday, said Mike Friel, a spokesman for U.S. Customs and Border protection.
Their vehicle was ''swarmed, the occupants forcibly removed, and then the vehicle was stolen. During the theft an OPP officer was injured and deliberately driven at by the stolen vehicle. Other officers at the scene pulled him to safety. The OPP officer was transported to hospital with serious injuries,'' the police said in a news release.
The provincial police, who have been at the site since February, said the border agents were learning crowd-control techniques. It's common for law enforcement agencies to share information, Const. Keith Robb said.
Natives are interpreting the presence of American law enforcement officers as proof officials are trying to criminalize a political situation.
''It would take a lot (of government intervention) for the U.S. Border Patrol to be allowed up here to work with the OPP,'' Hazel Hill, a Six Nations spokeswoman said Sunday.
''Why are they here? What is their mandate? That's one of the main questions our people have been asking.''
Relations between aboriginals and non-aboriginal residents continue to devolve, despite negotiations with government officials.
Extra police officers were called in to manage hundreds of non-aboriginal Caledonia residents who uttered racial slurs as they gathered along the fenceline of a school Friday night. One non-native man was arrested for disturbing the peace, Robb said.
Hundreds of natives from across Canada and the United States came to Caledonia, a town of about 10,000 southwest of Toronto, in April after 14 aboriginal men were arrested during a pre-dawn raid of Douglas Creek Estates, a subdivision development they claim is being built on land taken from them.
Six Nations officials said they believe U.S. Border Patrol agents and police officers were taking pictures of protesters Friday, Hill said in a news release.
The Border Patrol cruiser has been returned, Friel said, but some items are missing.
Hill said aboriginal protesters are constantly intimidated by police who fly over the occupied subdivision day and night and shine high-powered lights on them.
Two news cameramen were also assaulted Friday afternoon while they taped an elderly Simcoe, Ont., couple that had been surrounded by protesters. The couple, in their 70s, had pulled over near the protest site.
The couple's car was taken from them, Robb said. The man was taken to hospital for observation after he experienced chest pains, he added.
One of the cameramen has launched an official complaint against the police, alleging up to 15 officers did nothing to stop him from being assaulted. The claim is being investigated, Robb said, adding the OPP does not have a ''no-engagement'' policy.
Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty condemned the violence Friday: ''It was with great disappointment that I learned of the violent incidents in Caledonia today. I would like to express sympathy and concern for those injured,'' he said in a statement.
''I also condemn the violence caused by an irresponsible few, a repugnant attempt to derail the important progress we are making.''
Warrants have been issued for people on several charges.
Albert Douglas, 30, of Ohsweken, Ont., is facing charges of attempted murder, robbery, failing to comply with bail conditions, forcible confinement, dangerous driving, assault of police officer, and theft of motor vehicle.
Audra Ann Taillefer, 45, of Victoria, is facing charges of two counts of intimidation and robbery.
Skylar Williams, 22, of Ohsweken, is facing a charge of robbery.
Arnold Douglas, 61, of Ohsweken, is facing two counts of intimidation.
Trevor Miller, 30, of no fixed address, is facing charges of robbery and theft of a motor vehicle.
Ken Hill, 47, of Ohsweken is facing two counts of assault.