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Our agent was in vehicle: U.S. agency

ATF staffer in Caledonia to share intelligence, spokesman says

Marissa Nelson
Hamilton Spectator
(Jun 16, 2006)

[SISIS note: The following mainstream news article is provided for reference only, as an example of how mainstream media treats indigenous resistance to genocide. Mainstream media often presents biased and distorted information, lacking pertinent facts and/or context. Inclusion of this article on our site should not be considered an endorsement by SISIS.]

The storied U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has confirmed it had one employee in a vehicle that was allegedly swarmed last weekend, confirming earlier reports by Six Nations people.

Joseph Green, supervisory special agent for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives or ATF, said the agent was there on an "intelligence sharing mission," and not to investigate anyone.

The ATF is a specialized federal force responsible for fighting terrorism and violent crime. It became infamous after the raid on a religious compound in Waco, Texas, in the early 1990s that left dozens of people dead.

The agent who was in Canada at the invitation of the Ontario Provincial Police is an expert from western New York in tobacco diversion and illegal firearms trafficking, Green said.

He insisted that, "in no way, shape or form," was the agent here on an enforcement operation. He also said the agent was unarmed but in Canada to share best practices and information with the OPP.

"We would be remiss if we weren't using all the resources available to us. That includes sharing intelligence," Green said.

He said the agent, who is all right and back in the United States, pulled a provincial police officer to safety.

A week ago, a U.S. Border Patrol vehicle, with OPP, Border Patrol and ATF staff inside, was swarmed and the two OPP officers were forcibly removed from the car.

One of the OPP officers was left seriously injured on the ground. A suspect then stole the car and is alleged to have deliberately tried to run him over.

Green said the OPP officer was only semi-conscious when the ATF officer helped yank him out of the way of the oncoming vehicle.

The border patrol vehicle was stolen but returned after items were removed from it.

Green said there would be an internal ATF investigation.

"We're very thankful the injuries were only minor. They could have been much more grave," Green added.

Albert Douglas, of Ohsweken, faces arrest for the attempted murder of a police officer, along with five other natives who have been charged after the events of last Friday.

Hazel Hill, spokesperson for the Six Nations people, said the fact a "U.S. spy" is in Canada should worry everyone.

"Regardless of whether it's Border Patrol or the ATF ... they've got us under surveillance. Why are they here? Who gave them authorization to come here?" she asked.

"Canadians should be asking that as well."

Hill said people are also concerned that the presence of an organization responsible for catching terrorists may be a ploy to make it appear that the protest at Douglas Creek Estates is a terrorist act.

"They're trying to peg us as terrorists now," she said.

The OPP, only after confronted with the ATF's statements, confirmed there was an ATF agent there but would say little else.

"They were invited up here to learn best practices," said OPP Constable Jeff Walraven.

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