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Province to purchase Caledonia subdivision

Karen Best - Haldimand Review staff
Haldimand Review
Local News - Monday, June 26, 2006 @ 09:00

[SISIS note: The following mainstream news article is provided for reference only, as an example of how mainstream media treats indigenous resistance to genocide. Mainstream media often presents biased and distorted information, lacking pertinent facts and/or context. Inclusion of this article on our site should not be considered an endorsement by SISIS.]

CAYUGA -- Don and John Henning hope that the Ontario government purchase of Douglas Creek Estates will ease tension in Caledonia.

Once the government holds the land in trust, the Hennings hope this will go a long way toward keeping things cool out there, said their lawyer, Michael Bruder. Hopefully the situation will de-escalate, he added.

The first choice of Henco Industries was to develop the land but the Hennings had to go along with the province’s purchase offer to ensure the company’s financial viability. Over the next week, consultants working for Henco will set a fair market value and negotiate closure of the purchase agreement.

The company has lost $45 million in revenue from lot sales through this incident.

Meanwhile the injunction requiring protesters to leave the site remains in place until the title is transferred. The Ontario government will hold the land in trust with a third party that can veto sales. The trust holding will continue until the main long term negotiating group determines the future use and ownership of the site.

Bruder told reporters on June 16 that this situation was unique and will not set a precedent in land claim disputes. He also said the Hennings’ reputation will not be tarnished by this experience. They are well respected and live in the community and their primary concern all along has been the community, stated their lawyer.

Ken Hewitt of the Caledonia Citizens Alliance said the group’s hope is that the purchase will send a message to people occupying the land. That message is there is no need for further occupation and constructive conversation can now take place in the board room, he added.

In the interests of safety for both communities, Six Nations protesters should close up camp, he said.

Hewitt also believed that the people who can best decide the future use of the land are residents of Caledonia and Six Nations. He said county council will look at political agendas in any input they provide.

In a press release issued on June 16, Haldimand County expressed an expectation to provide meaningful input into the future of this property.

Because Six Nations protesters plan to stay on the land, things remain unchanged for residents living near the occupied site. Kevin Clark is glad that the Hennings can get on with their life but said there is a long way to go for residents on Thistlemoor Drive and Braemar Avenue.

“Until they get off the land, we will live in terror,” he said.

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