Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs' Crown land activities and aboriginal rights policy framework Hansard: Official transcripts of legislature discussion
24/98: St'at'imc take action against BC NDP
16/98: BC's continuing 'child protection' genocide
15/98: Penticton Band files claim on city
23/98: NDP BC's urban genocide
Oct 02/98: Building the BC police state
/ 98: BC band blames NDP Premier for BP-AMOCO suit
Sep 23/98: Oil/gas industries and Treaty
8 nations seek agreement
Sep 15/98: Natives say they'll block Atlin
Sep 13/98: BC's PR solution to child theft
& genocide
Sep / 98: Culture vultures-BC's "aboriginal
tourism product"
Jun 03/98: RCMP cranks up anti-native rhetoric
May 19/98: McLeod Lake Band near settling
99 year old claim
May 09/98: Haida challenge BC's logging
Feb 16/98: BC Report suggests
war with natives
Feb 08/98: Native children stolen by BC
Feb 05/98: Minister refuses to halt development
Feb 05/98: Interior bands reject BC's
Feb 02/98: Natives claim all of "BC"
Dec 13/97: Osyoos ripped off - again
- in land deal
Sep 10/97: Lockdown at BC archives
Jun 24/95: Clipping - Politicians "speak with forked tongues"
"Canada has adopted a policy based solely on 'extinguishment' of underlying aboriginal rights, in lands which have not been ceded properly, while occupying and extracting billions in resources off those same lands and using those same resources to control public opinion and subjugate the Aboriginal owners. It has devised a history of legislated theft which is still open to serious legal question at both the domestic and international levels.
"The work of the BC Treaty Commission currently under mandate by both the federal and provincial governments is trying to negotiate land claims settlements in BC, within a pseudo framework of 'Treaty Negotiations' which start from the premise that the 'First Nations' are not Sovereign Nations but special rights Canadian citizens needing redress for past wrongs and therefore cannot negotiate for sovereignty but for compensations... Canada has adopted a policy of police state terrorism and fascism, criminalizing any Aboriginal Nations and individuals who implement and exercise their sovereignties and jurisdictions, while portraying a face of tolerance and liberalism to the rest of the world."
- from A Past and Current History of Salient Points in BC, Canada and the Treatment of Indigenous Peoples: prepared for the UN Study on Treaties, Agreements and other Constructive Arrangements by the Sovereignty Peoples Information Network, Sept. 11, 1994
Aug 06/96: Select standing committee on aboriginal affairs to hold public forums on treaty processNov 25/95: Treaty process to be legislated soon
05/98: BC Premier pledges no whaling in treaties
Sep 22/98: Sechelt and the BC Trick-or-Treaty
Sep 16/98: Gitksan-Wet'suwet'en re-enter
BC treaty process
Jul 14/98: Pavilion-More blockades may
be down the road
Jul 12/98: Pavilion band blocks highway
Jul 09/98: Fast-tracking bogus land claims
Jun 29/98: BC Treaty commissioner calls for more cash
Jun 27/98: Fragile detente on land claims fades away
Jun 24/98: BC Treaty process 'on track'
Jun 20/98: Dramatic change to BC's Treaty
Jun 18/98: BC shuffles deckchairs on BCTC
May 29/98: Fears that BC will abandon
treaty process
May 26/98: Editorial-Land claims process
is 'history'
May 25/98: Editorial-Mess bodes ill for
treaty process
May 22/98: Ex-treaty commissioner-land
claims undermined
May 15/98: BC NDP planning to exploit
land claim fears
May 14/98: Plan to streamline treaty talks
hits snag
May 08/98: Meeting to discuss Delgamuukw
impact on BCTC
Apr 20/98: Who is the BC Treaty Commission?
Apr 16/98: BC Treaty Commission in overload
Mar 15/98: Delgamuukw & BCTC-Where are
we now?
Mar 13/98: Delgamuukw ruling forces review
Mar / 98: UBCIC demands BCTC native leaders
clarify position
Feb / 98: Sechelt band expected to pull out of BCTC
Jan 31/98: BCTC in disarray after Delgamuukw ruling
Dec 13/97: Delgamuukw ruling could slow treaty talks
Nov / 97: Union of BC Indian Chiefs - BCTC = "genocide"
Oct 22/97: Trick or Treaty - United Native
Nations protests BCTC
Oct 10/97: Clipping - Angry Indians seek
meeting with Premier
Oct 01/97: Anger over land sales
Aug 26/97: BC Premier welcomes investors
to invade indigenous lands
Aug 23/97: First Nations dismayed by deal
offered to Sechelt
Jun 01/97: Mt. Currie Band Council "will not accept any treaty"
May / 97: Extinguishment of aboriginal rights or title
Apr 21/97: Resistance to BC Treaty Commission continues to grow
Feb 18/97: Submission by John Shafer to
Select Standing Committee
Feb 14/97: Trick or Treaty? Conflict of interest
abounds on BCTC
Feb 13/97: Sechelt chief calls land talks
a fraud
Feb 01/96: Lawyer - BCTC abandons treaty rights
Sep 24/95: Freedom Socialist - Government stops sovereignty
May 28/98: NYM members ordered to keep
the peace
May 27/98: NYM Westbank protesters in
May 27/98: Police drag NYM from band office
May 26/98: Sit-in part of battle to protest
May 25/98: NYM release on occupation of
Westbank Band
May 25/98: NYM occupies Westbank Band
Council office
Apr 23/98: Judge orders NYM protesters
Apr 22/98: Mainstream coverage-NYM occupation
Apr 21/98: Interior Six Nations Alliance
supports NYM
Apr 21/98: NYM forcibly removed from BCTC
Apr 21/98: Mainstream coverage of NYM
Apr 20/98: Lil'Wat Estken supports NYM
Apr 20/98: Nuxalk Nation supports NYM
Apr 20/98: NYM press conference & interview
Apr 20/98: NYM occupation continues, past
Apr 19/98: NYM occupation of BC Treaty
office, Day 3
Apr 18/98: Union of BC Indian Chiefs supports
Apr 17/98: Penticton Band supports the
Apr 17/98: NYM to re-occupy BC Treaty
commission office
Jan 31/98: Native Youth Movement condemns BCTC
May / 97: Native Youth Movement opposes
treaty process
10/98: Liberal fight against Nisga'a deal fizzles out
07/98: Elder - Nisga'a deal = "Extinguishment"
30/98: Gitanyow Hereditary Chiefs on Nisga'a deal
30/98: Nisga'a deal "isn't a settlement blueprint"
26/98: BC Labour Federation endorses Nisga'a deal
25/98: Court will hear Gitanyow challenge to Nisga'a deal
21/98: Gitksan-Nisga'a deal "is an act of aggression"
21/98: NDP spin doctoring doesn't make Nisga'a deal fly
19/98: Editorial-Nisga'a agreement "a terrible thing"
19/98: Religious leaders back Nisga'a deal
18/98: Premier Glen Clark's statement on Nisga'a deal
12/98: Nisga'a vote raises more questions than answers
11/98: Chretien admits binding duty of Royal Proclamation
10/98: Nisga'a leader goes to Europe to sell deal
09/98: Nisga'a voter-"Treaty gave up too much"
06/98: Matriarch - Nisga'a deal "unacceptable"
06/98: Ottawa rejects BC's hard sell on Nisga'a deal
06/98: Nisga'a referendum - allegations of corruption
02/98: Green Party excluded from Nisga'a debate
30/98: Nisga'a deal gets global attention
30/98: BCTC hustlers debate pros/cons of Nisga'a deal
28/98: NDP govt pushes Nisga'a deal
26/98: Schools debating govt. Nisga'a material
20/98: Nisga'a's Gosnell threatens "Oka", "Gustafsen"
19/98: Liberal urges more money to push Nisga'a deal
19/98: Pollster attacks opponents of Nisga'a deal
17/98: NDP to spend millions to promote Nisga'a deal
16/98: Students "pawns" in Nisga'a lessons?
15/98: Why S.I.S.I.S. opposes the Nisga'a deal
15/98: Clark asks PM to back Nisga'a pact
09/98: BC Premier voices Nisga'a doubts
Oct 09/98: Okanagan oppose Nisga'a agreement
05/98: Nisga'a deal is "make or break" for NDP
Sep 21/98: Publisher accused of anti-Nisga'a
Sep 18/98: BC Fed rallies workers to support
Nisga'a deal
Sep / 98: BC Forest Minister on COFI's Nisga'a
Aug 30/98: Clipping - Nisga'a have "a
long way to go"
Aug 09/98: Nisga'a land deal contradicts
UN report
Aug 06/98: Feds bring in mediator for
Aug 06/98: InterPress-New deal for Indians
in B.C.
Aug 03/98: Interior Alliance denounces
Nisga'a "template"
Aug 03/98: Nisga'a deal sparks strong
Aug 01/98: Judge rejects injunction against
Nisga'a deal
Aug / 98: Union of BC Indian Chiefs opposes
Nisga'a deal
Jul 28/98: Aboriginal opposition to Nisga'a
Jul 26/98: Nisga'a council president dismisses
Jul 26/98: Nisga'a deal a PR flop
Jul 25/98: Liberal leader seeks to force
vote on Nisga'a deal
Jul 22/98: Nisga'a 'treaty' rift threatens
BC economy
Jul 22/98: Editorial-"Treaty's culture
of blame"
Jul 22/98: Nisga'a deal leak - "full and
final settlement"
Jul 21/98: Second band tries to stop Nisga'a
Jul 17/98: Native bands critical of Nisga'a
Jul 16/98: Nisga'a treaty signals lengthy
political fight
Jul 15/98: Nisga'a 'treaty' hype: "the
route to success"
Jul 14/98: Nisga'a agreement to be signed
Jul 11/98: Nisga'a treaty close to being
Jul 08/98: BCTC divide and conquer-Gitanyow
vs. Nisga'a
Jun 30/98: Clark claims final Nisga'a
treaty is close
Jun 29/98: BC to sell Nisga'a deal on "collective
Jun 16/98: Nisga'a deal to wrap up within
Mar 09/98: BC Premier cranks up effort
to reach deal
Mar 08/98: Clark sees "firestorm" over
Nisga'a land
Aug 29/97: Nisga'a critics seem anti-native
Jun 02/97: Nisga'a Hereditary Chief challenges