Bruce Clark: Holocaust, Appeasement, 1992


The European invasion of the Americas lit a fire of destruction. Over the course of the past half millenium, a mere instant in the time of Mother Earth's life, the manmade holocaust has consumed the natural forests and plains from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The bones of our Mother Earth systematically have been broken and reset, to conform to Man's image not the Creator's.

Like the forests and plains, the humans placed by the Creator in the Americas have constituted the holocaust's fuel. Their minds, which operate on the basis of the circle of continuity, have been beaten and bribed in an attempt to make them conform to the Europeans' linear progress of civilization ideology.

The holocaust has all but exhausted its fuel. Only remnants remain beyond the treaty frontier that marks the leading edge of the fire line. The sacred valley of the Lil'Wats just northwest of Vancouver, the Carmanah-Walbran watershed of Cha-baht Ny-tom, on the southwest coast of Vancouver Island, the territories of the Shuswap-Okanagan Confederacy in the south central interior of British Columbia, the Haida territory of the Queen Charlotte Islands of the Pacific north coast - these enclaves remain.

Because they are situate in British Columbia, and because British Columbia is beyond the treaty frontier, a fire break can be established to preserve that which is not yet consumed. Existing international and constitutional law, by which Canada is bound, supersedes the domestic law in virtue in which the holocaust has raged. For this reason, the rule of law can save the enclaves.

The pragmatic problem consists in finding institutions of law enforcement that are commensurate with the law's substantive provisions. The non native courts of Canada and British Columbia have refused to let the judges of his Court hear the law which establishes that some native nations are "States" entitled to invoke the protection of that Court. This is an affront to rule of law by the very person in whose care the integrity of the rule has been entrusted. It constitutes the crime of genocide in terms on international law, and the crimes of fraud and treason in terms of constitutional law. Since the criminals control access to the courts, these crimes seem perfect, their repetition unpreventable.

We must break this pattern of anti-law. The rule of law depends upon it. And the health of the world, of humankind and all else that constitutes nature, depends upon the rule of law - for only through the immediate implementation of existing law can the holocaust be extinguished before its path has past the point of regenerative no return.

Appeasement, and the Big Lie, are all that stand in the way.

Dated 29th January, 1992, at Zentbachli, Tschingel ob Gunten, Switzerland.

Bruce Clark, LL.B., M.A., Ph.D. (Law)

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