02/13/97: Letter from Bruce Clark to Crown Counsel


Bruce Clark LL.B., M.A., Ph.D.
Box 140, Robinsonville, New Brunswick, Canada EOK 1EO
(506) 753-7315

By Fax to (250) 565-6058

February 13, 1997

J Ray Hall
Regional Crown Counsel
Criminal Justice Branch
Ministry of the Attorney General
Room #463 1011 4th Avenue
Prince George, BC V2L 3H9

Re: Regina v. Bruce Clark Provincial Court of British Columbia
    R. v. William Jones Ignace and others
    Supreme Court of British Columbia
Dear Mr. Hall,

In reply to your letter dated November 4, 1996 I am pleased to advise that I will arrive at Vancouver Airport on February 18, 1997 at 11:55 am via Canadian Airlines flight 911. I will, as you suggested, thereafter meet with an agent, namely British Columbia solicitor Manuel Azevedo. I will be scheduled to appear in the Supreme Court of BC in Surrey on the following day, for the purpose of speaking to the (draft) petition/ motion/constitutional question delivered to the crown attorney and the court yesterday in the trial in progress of R v William Jones Ignace and others.

Therefore, you may wish to instruct counsel to appear for the purpose of advising the presiding Supreme Court judge as to when and where an agent or I may appear before the Provincial Court of British Columbia. The Supreme Court scheduling will have to take account of my unavailability while in Provincial Court, or vice versa.

My offer remains: to apologize, short of acknowledging any criminal intent to show contempt. I can not waive the natural law, international law and constitutional law right of the native people to object to the jurisdiction of the Provincial Court and police of British Columbia.


Bruce Clark

copy to 604-687-0241
Manuel A. Azevedo
195 Alexander St.
Vancouver, BC V6A 1N8

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