APRIL 26, 1996
NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. - The third and final day for the bail hearing for William Ignace (Wolverine) and his son Joseph is set for Monday, April 29th at the New Westminster Provincial Court at 10:00 am. The Court may be easily reached by taking the Sky Train to the New Westminster stop; the Provincial Court building is on Canarvan Street just behind the station.
The first two days of the hearing took place earlier this week and the court heard eye-witness accounts to the effect that the defendant Joseph Ignace was elsewhere when the alledged offences took place. Evidence is now on the record that charges laid against the young man may have been premature since there seems to be no other evidence linking him to any crimes.
Joseph has suffered several incidents of violence while held in the Kamloops jail. Judge David Vickers is the first member of the justice system to show any concern over Joseph's emotional, physical and mental well-being. The Judge has asked for several days to consider the bail applications and Joseph's many friends are hopeful that the young man's ordeal may finally be over.
All of the Defenders appear in court next on May 6, 1996 to set the guidelines for the coming trial.