Prime Minister of Canada
Jean Chretien
December 2, 1998
Dear Prime Minister:
In a meeting of Graduate Student Representatives of the University of Victoria of November 25, 1998, the Graduate Students' Society passed a motion to endorse a call for a public inquiry into the events at Gustafsen Lake.
In 1995 the Governments of Canada, British Columbia, their agents and assigns planned and implemented the largest paramilitary operation of its kind in Canadian history against the occupants of the Ts'peten Sundance camp situated upon unceded, Shuswap traditional territory near Gustafsen Lake.
We have serious questions about the allegations concerning the conduct of the state and certain officials (particularly the RCMP), as well as a "smear and disinformation" campaign to disparage the Sundance Camp occupants, and suppress their legal issues of indigenous sovereignty and jurisdiction. These issues remain unanswered, and should be examined in a full and open public inquiry.
The Graduate Students' Society hopes the Federal Government and the Premier of BC will reconsider their refusal to convene such a public inquiry. An inquiry is supported by many other groups. These include: Lil'Wat Estken, Moloqhil Tinamat, Defensoria Maya (Guatemala), Te Ropa Maori, Canadian Alliance in Solidarity with Native Peoples (CASNP), The Green Group of the European Parliament, The Black Community Collective, Black Autonomy International, The Afrikan Frontline Network, Anti-Racist Action (ARA) Kingston, Settlers in Support of Indigenous Sovereignty (SISIS), Free Wolverine (Seattle), North West Leonard Peltier Support Network, Aboriginal Rights Coalition Victoria (ARC), Council of Canadians (Victoria), Building Bridges to Chiapas, The National Green Party of Canada, Ramsey Clark - former Attorney General of the USA and Counsel for Leonard Peltier, Ts'peten Defence Committee, Incomindios, For Mother Earth (Belgium), National Campus/Community Radio Association (NCRA), Teaching Support Staff Union, Simon Fraser University (TSSU), and many other groups and individuals, that appreciate the critical importance of an inquiry. We would be happy to communicate your response to our membership.
Karl Schmid
Director of Communications
Graduate Students' Society
University of Victoria
cc: AFN Grand Chief Phil Fontaine