Rare video footage from the Gustafsen Lake siege recorded at the request of the RCMP has been obtained and will be aired for the first time on TV. The blowing up of a Red Truck and the shooting of a man walking to the Lake will be shown.
Rogers Community Network
Channel 4
(available to the Vancouver lower mainland except Delta)
Thursday, January 2, 1996
9:00 pm
Appearing on the show:
Patrice Leslie, hostPlease tune-in and watch this important showing.
Splitting the Sky
Bill Lightbown
Flo Sampson
Shelagh Franklin
If you are outside of the viewing area and wish to receive a video copy of the show, please contact the following:
Settlers In Support of Indigenous Sovereignty (S.I.S.I.S.)
PO Box 8673, Victoria, BC Canada V8X 3S2
Email: SISIS@envirolink.org