Legion Magazine
January/February 1998, Page 94
[S.I.S.I.S. note: The following mainstream news article may contain biased or distorted information and may be missing pertinent facts and/or context. It is provided for reference only.
In the Gustafsen Lake standoff of 1995, the Department of National Defence provided 9 Canadian Forces Armoured Personnel Carriers to the RCMP: approximately 1 for every 2 people besieged inside the Sundance Camp.]
Frustrated at having to borrow armored vehicles from the Canadian Forces during the standoff at Gustafsen Lake in British Columbia in September 1995, the RCMP has acquired vehicles of its own. The Mounties have leased four used armoured vehicles from the General Motors diesel division in London, Ontario.
The vehicles include two light armored vehicles that are the same type used by the Canadian Forces and two Nyala RE-31 armoured vehicles used in South Africa. Tentative plans are in the works to obtain up to four more.
Protests to:
Andy Scott
Solicitor-General of Canada (Minister responsible for RCMP)
340 Laurier Ave West, Ottawa, Ontario K1A OP8 Canada
Phone: (613) 991-2924
Fax: (613) 996-9955
Email: Scott.A@parl.gc.ca
Faxing by email: remote-printer.Andy_Scott@16139969955.iddd.tpc.int