To: Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II on the occasion of her visit to the occupied Territories of Turtle Island: June 23 - July 1 1997
From: Settlers In Support of Indigenous Sovereignty
"Whereas it is just and reasonable and essential to our Interest and the Security of our Colonies that the several Nations or Tribes of Indians with whom We are connected and who live under our Protection should not be molested or disturbed in the Possession of such Parts of Our Dominions and Territories as not having been ceded to or purchased by Us are reserved for them or any of them as their hunting grounds... no Governor or Commander in Chief... do presume upon any Pretence whatever to grant Warrants of Survey or pass any Patents of Land... upon any Lands whatever which not having been ceded to or purchased by Us as aforesaid are reserved to the said Indians or any of them... And We do further strictly enjoin and require all Persons whatever who have either wilfully or inadvertently seated themselves... upon any Lands which not having been ceded to or purchased by Us are still reserved to the said Indians as aforesaid forthwith to remove themselves from such Settlements... And whereas great Frauds and Abuses have been committed..."
"The fact is that the newcomers' European-derived criminal law simply does not, and never did, legally, apply to Indians upon their yet unpurchased lands. That law, represented today by the Criminal Code, is inapplicable, for the same constitutional reason that the newcomers' courts have no jurisdiction - the jurisdiction of the newcomers' governments and courts is derivative - not original...
"Access under the rule of law to the independent and impartial third party court is all that the petitioners herein ever sought at Gustafsen Lake. To secure recognition of that right, as the specific means to apprehending the genocide of the aboriginal people, they occupied a defensive position in relation to a tract of disputed Indian land. The fact is that their sole demand, issued while under police siege, and dated August 25, 1995 reads as follows:
"The Sundancers at Gustafsen Lake have one demand: that the petition dated January 3, 1995 be addressed publicly by an independent an impartial third party tribunal, one that is neither Canadian nor Indian, such as the special constitutional court established by Queen Anne at the request of the Mohegan Indians to which court the petition is addressed:"For physically defending their constitutional right to third party adjudication as to the disputed tract at Gustafsen Lake, and for exercising their right physically to resist genocide, the petitioners were branded 'terrorists' in a 'smear and misinformation campaign' tantamount to the crime of hate propaganda contrary to sections 318(1) and 2(b) and 319(1) and (2) of the Criminal Code, perpetrated by the police under the orders of their political and judicial masters"(a) is the popular assumption that the Canadian courts and police have jurisdiction legal?
(b) or is that assumption criminally treasonable, fraudulent and complicitous in the genocide of the aboriginal peoples of Canada as alleged in the petition?
Your Majesty:
The Ts'peten Defenders are innocent.
Canada is guilty.
The crime is genocide.
You can stop it.
Uphold the law. Honour your commitments. End the colonization.
Free the Ts'peten Defenders.
Elizabeth II c/o His Excellency Romeo LeBlancPlease send a copy of your support letter to:
Governor-General of Canada
Fax: 613-993-1967
Faxing by email: remote
WWW comments: your comments at the Royal Web Site:
PO Box 8673, Victoria, BC, Canada V8X 3S2