Gzhe-Mnidoo gave us laws that govern all our relationships to live in harmony with all of creation.
The laws of Gzhe-Mnidoo defined our rights and responsibilites.
Gzhe-Mnidoo gave us our spiritual beliefs, our Nishnaabemwin, our culture, and a place on Mshkokmiikwe who provides us with all our needs.
We have maintained our freedoms, our Nishnaabemwin, and our traditions from time immemorial.
We continue to exercise the rights and fulfill the responsibilites and obligations given to us by Gzhe-Mnidoo for Aazhoodena upon which we were placed.
Gzhe-Mnidoo has given us the right to govern ourselves and the right to self-determination.
The rights and responsibilities given to us by Gzhe-Mnidoo cannot be altered or taken away by any other Nation.
Nishnaabeg ndaawmin,
Aazhoodenaang Enjibaajig
Shki-Bboon-Giisoons 25, 1996