We Traditional People of Lil'Wat wish to inform you that Ure Creek is an ancient burial site of our people.
From time out of mind our people have used this area for our spiritual purposes, until they were introduced to diseases.
We also wish the public to know that there is also a desecration happening at Pemberton's airport and golf course.
Despite us informing the World Court, UN's Security Council, the Supreme Court of Canada, and the Supreme Court of B.C., the law is still being broken.
We Traditional People of Lil'Wat have heard the apologies of the churches and the governments and yet no one seems to listen and help us expose all this continuous violations that go on daily.
While the Provincial and Federal governments disregard the law they are making deals with their commissions which favor the corporations and leaders who only look after their own interests.
There is no consideration given to the people, who wish to Live in harmony with the rest of the world.
Although the Indian Act is unscrupulous and illegal, it remains and is upheld by many.
We Traditional People of Lil'Wat do not approve of the continued exploitation of the natural resources, the poisoning of the fish, polluting of the Waters, the damage to the land, the depletion of the birds and animals.
As Traditional People of Lil'Wat we have stated many times, many places, many years.
We are not the problem. We Traditional People of Lil'Wat have NO TREATIES with anyone and know that the Canadians need one, not us, if they want to co-exist, according to law.
As environmentalism grows, corporations money-making schemes flourish, churches maintain their sanctity, and governments try to justify their Human Rights, violations, the Traditional People of Lil'Wat continue to uphold the law, along with the help of Bruce Clark and his family, George Fuller, Circling Dawn Collective and John Shafer.
It is evident to us Traditional People there is time for reparable solutions to all the damage to us and the earth.
We also wish to inform the world that a conspiracy is happening with Legal Services, the Bar association and the Judicial system, who refuse to help us even though we qualify.
We have been to the U.N. Human Rights Commission to testify against all of the violations here in Lil'Wat.
We have informed many, many , D.I.A. elected 'leaders' that the law has to be abided by the Canadian, so that we can live our way of life in peace, friendship, and respect as the Creator has guided us.
We also must inform everyone that consensus has to be reached by our People before a decision can be made. That is our law.
We have explained to many, many individuals we are not asking anyone for our sovereignty.
It is protected by the law.
We Traditional People do not consider ourselves to be Canadian since we have never sworn allegiance.
We Traditional People have always known that the creed of the corporations seems to be a way of life for many people who have lost their connection to the land.
We are also aware how corporations have control over the so-called democratic government of the Canadians.
We have also continuously informed the media about the desecration that happens at Ure Creek, but we know we are edited because we can see and read.
We also must say that we strongly object to the use of pesticide and herbicide, for they contaminate the natural medicines, berries and jeopardizes everyone's health.
We know that the continuous abrogation of the judicial system is manifesting colonialism.