We the Peoples of 'OUR' yet 'unceded' land are yet again notifying the world - Our lands are still unceded. We have yet to have Canadian and international "law" addressed in a court that is fair and just. Our Peoples' Court has yet to be convened so that the "natural" law can also be addressed in an honest fashion. The Spiritual, physical and mental abuse that our "forefathers" were exposed to (re: Genocide) is still being practiced by today's society. We know that all of the decisions rendered by the CANADIAN'S JUDICIAL SYSTEM are not based on constitutional, international and natural law.
The assumption of jurisdiction promoted by the police and politicians is nothing less than GENOCIDE. We the People also wish to state that we do not agree with the overharvesting, overdevelopment and the selling of our resources that are yet to be purchased from 'US', in accordance to the law. We also make it known that the INDIAN ACT that is so strongly promoted by Canadians and their collaborators is in violation of our HUMAN RIGHTS. The recent supreme court decision on the Delgamuukw' case is not based on law as we have previously stated. It cannot give title - which has already been given to us by the Creator. We the people have long concluded that all Royal Commissions, task forces, and treaty making processes are all based on compromises which we do not favor, because they are not based on law.
We must also state that we have notified UN Security Council, Queen's Privy Council, The World Court, Supreme Court of BC, and the Supreme Court of Canada of all of the violations of International, Consitutional and Natural law. The apologies that have been given by the churches and branches of the federal government does not meet the needs of those that have been killed, maimed and molested and those now incarcerated because they stood in the way of progress.
The financial compensation that is now being offered for healing (heeling) will be considered as reparations for our experience in our genocide, that we are now being exposed to daily because the law that we have presented to the courts is being stonewalled. WE further state that all properties expropriated from us should be returned to us in good faith. Examples are church properties, land leases and burial sites that are now being desecrated by development.
Harold Pascal - Lil'Wat Estken
PO Box 208 Mount Currie, Lil'Wat Territory (via 'BC'), VON 2K0
Ph/Fax (604) 894-6095
Email: estken@direct.ca