Talked with Tonawanda this morning to confirm the "truce" that has been called between the Senecas and NYSP. The police have been pulled back and the Albany, NY protest for tomorrow is still on.
The 'unoffical' results of the Buffalo radio/tv telephone poll is
54% favor support for the SenecasTonawanda thinks that the 'support' side is much greater.
45% NOT in favor
1% undecided
Seneca Nation Struggle Against New York State Police Violence
In front of the United State Consulate
360 University Ave
1-3 pm
Thursday, April 24, 1997
New York State Troopers are blockading supplies and support from entering the Seneca's territory. Witness accounts of Police brutality, one woman unaccounted for
More information contact:
Canadian Alliance in Solidarity with the Native Peoples
tel: (416) 972-1573, fax: (416) 972-6232
Anti-Racist Action (Toronto)
P.O. Box 291, Station B, Toronto, ON, M5T 2T2
Tel: (416) 631-8835
WWW: http://www.web.net/~ara