We traditionalists, defenders of our unceded lands, adopt the precepts of the Confederated Native Court Judgement, dated February 2, 1997, which reiterate our own tradition of law based on respect and consent.
The newcomers' Constitutional law and International law support and confirm Native/Natural law.
In accordance with the information contained in this document it is essential that the political prisoners William Jones Ignace (Wolverine), Dr. Bruce Clark and James Pitawanakwat be released.
An independent, impartial, third-party court must be convened to address this jurisdictional dispute between our native court and the newcomer court. This is all we have ever asked, and all we continue to ask.
Canada must stop criminalizing the messengers in their attempt to trivialize the message.
John Splitting the Sky Hill
Flora E. Sampson
Arnold V. Williams, Nak'sten
Bill Lightbown, Kootenai
Lavina White, Haida
Lahalus - A.K.A. Loretta Pascal, Lil'wat
Tsemhu qw - A.K.A. Harold Pascal, Lil'wat
Tanapsuch, A.K.A. Dano Edmonds, Lil'wat
Dena Zena, Lil'wat
Doug Dan
Stuart Dick, Shuswap Nation
Sandra Bruderer
Marlene Clarke, Ntl'kempec (people of the Creeks)
Valerie Van Clieaf
Michelle Fournasier
Margaret Clark
Rev. Joshua J.D. Lemmens