[Please note: The following mainstream news article may contain biased or distorted information and may be missing pertinent facts and/or context. It is provided for reference only. -- S.I.S.I.S.]
London, Ontario -- Relations between aboriginals and provincial police remained tense Tuesday following a raid last week at the Oneida First Nations reserve. Neither police nor aboriginal leaders would discuss the incident - which resulted in seven arrests and the seizure of a variety of weapons - or its aftermath, in which a police officer's van was torched and another officer was shot at.
"I have to meet with my committee first before I make any more statements," said Chris George, chairman of Oneida First Nation's police committee. The community said police implied after Thursday's raid that the cache of seized weapons - hand guns, assault rifles, fully automatic weapons and hand grenades - were found on the reserve.
But George said that wasn't true and complained Friday that police portrayed "all natives as vigilantes."