Mar 2/98: Official Onondaga position on 'illegal' smoke shops


from Indian Time
Volume 16, #6 - March 6, 1998
Onondaga Nation

Onondaga Nation Closes Illegal Smoke Shops

Press Release
Onondaga Nation - Hemlock Road - Box 319 B via Nedrow, NY 13120

ONONDAGA NATION (March 2, 1998)-- The people of the Onondaga Nation closed four illegal businesses today. The four shops never had a license to open which is the law on the Nation. The rules and regulations passed into law by the Council of Chiefs in 1991, were written by the clans. The rules and regulations are to control trade and commerce on the Nation.

The illegal Smoke shops opened last November. The Council of Chiefs and people met and sent runners with written letters asking them to close. Their over all reply was no. The Council and people still hoped to solve it diplomatically but received no positive results. This left the Nation and its People with no other option but to personally close them.

The toppling of the Niagara Mohawk power lines was the event that clearly indicated that the people responsible for this act of terrorism were beyond reason. Therefore, the Onondaga Nation acted upon its law and closed them down. The men and women moved in unarmed to meet any resistance. Several loaded weapons were confiscated. Never-the-less, the people disarmed them and the closures were effected without serious injury to anyone.

Since the illegal smoke shops opened last November, there have been a number of mysterious happenings on our Nation. There was a fire at what we call the guard shack, at about the same time there were some tires set on fire in the driveway of one of our Chiefs.

The People of the Nation hope this brings an end to this type of unregulated business to our community. The smoke shop formerly known as Freem's has also been closed. This shop will re-open and will be the only legal Nation owned and operated smoke shop on our territory.

Onondaga Nation
Communcations Liaison, Chiefs and Clanmothers

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