Monday 11 September 1995: The allegedly collaborating Gitksan Indians Don Ryan, main political leader, and Gordon Sebastian, lawyer, stayed together at the same bed and breakfast, Arcona Lodge, near Gustafsen Lake, Bruce Clark's abode while in the area.
Tuesday 12 September 1995: In the Supreme Court of Canada hearing the Gitksan lawyer Stuart Rush, Q.C., scuttles the attempt by the Indian resistance movement to force the Court to address the legal issue whether the Court's assumption of jurisdiction constitutionally constitutes "Misprision of Treason" and "Fraud" and internationally constitutes "Complicity in Genocide". He tells the Court that the vast majority of the Indians do not want that issue to be considered. Native sovereignty depends upon forcing that issue to be addressed, because the "Mohegan" case has already resolved that issue in the Indians' favour.
Wednesday 13 September 1995: Bruce Clark, legal counsel for the Indians under siege at Gustafsen Lake writes to lawyer Nancy Sandy, the associate of the said Gordon Sebastian, pointing out that she is in a conflict of interest that precludes her from acting for Clark's clients.
Wednesday 13 September 1995: Shaukeens, the hereditary or traditional chief of the Stoney Point (aka Ipperwash) region delivers a statement to Indian Affairs Minister Ron Irwin, accusing him of complicity by necessary implication in the murder by the police of the Indian Dudley George. Irwin ignores Shaukeens and announces in the media that he and the collaborating Indians have made a deal that profits the collaborators in consequence of the death of Dudley George. This is termed by the media to be significant peace progress.
Thursday 14 September 1995: Clark attends at police headquarters near Gustafsen Lake and demands to see his clients. Access he is denied, on the ground that the clients allegedly have fired Clark and hired the aforesaid laywers Nancy Sandy and Gordon Sebastian. Clark is denied access to his (former?) clients for the purpose of clarifying their intent and, if they wish, turning over his files to the "new" lawyers. Clark observes that the collaborating Indians have moved into quarters for the purpose of assisting the police to bring matters to a "peaceful conclusion", meaning a surrender by the Gustafsen Lake people without any guarantee in return that the law upon which they rely in justification of their occupation will ever be addressed before the constitutionally appropriate independent and impartial third party tribunal.
Thursday 14 September 1995: The national police convention being held in Victoria publishes a report that Indians are using violence to gain political ends, citing Gustafsen Lake and Stoney Point as illustrations, but ignoring that in both of these situations the Indians' occupations are defensive not aggressive. The police thus continue consciously to publish demonstrably false hate literature against the Indian resistance movement. The police are willfully blind to the sole demand of the resistance movement, which is legal not political. The police continue to prejudge the underlying issue of their own jurisdiction, and foster public animosity toward the Indians as a smokescreen to their own ongoing crimes of violence against the aboriginal people.
Friday 15 September 1995: Court is scheduled to sit in relation to Clark's (former?) clients. He will appear and demand access to them before any legal steps that may further prejudice their interest in having the jurisdiction addressed according to the rule of law.
[100 Mile House, Arcona House]
Certified by Counsel:
Bruce Clark, LL. B., M.A., Ph.D. (Law)