Seton Lake Band, CP 146
Tuesday, November 24, 1998
The Seton Lake Band (Tsal7alh) have moved into action to prevent the Government of BC and Ainsworth Lumber Company from logging the south side of Seton Lake. The Seton community has set up Delgamuuk'w Inn as a checkpoint on the forestry road presently under construction at CP 146. This checkpoint will remain as long as cecessary to prevent corporate logging on that side of Seton Lake.
The proposed logging would destroy valuable cultural sites, hunting areas and the ability of the community to develop other more sensitive economic opportunities for the area.
Seven St'at'imc Chiefs have come together in support of this cause. We expect all eleven St'at'imc communities to be in support of this action. The Seton Band community asks the people of the St'at'imc Nation and the people of Lillooet to assist them in their struggle. Please speak out to halt the road building and logging activities on the south side of Seton Lake.
The people have asked for unity to fight for this worthy cause. Let's move back onto our St'at'imc traditional lands! Let's stand together and let our voices be heard! Donations welcome!
Takem nsnukwnukw7a - All My Relations!
* Cultural and archaeological heritage sites are located throughout the proposed road building and cutting permit area.
* The findings of Altamira, the Alberta archaeological firm hired by Ainsworth, that no archaeological sites would be impacted by Ainsworth's activities in CP 146 are in serious conflict with the findings of LTC's Marie Barney and Sue Montgomery of Creekside Resources Ltd.
* Given the threats posed by the proposed logging to St'at'imc heritage and appropriate Seton community development plans, the community of Seton Lake, with the support of the Lillooet, Pavilion, Fountain, Bridge River, Cayoose Creek and Mount Currie communities will take whatever action that may be required to prevent the destruction of this extremely important part of our history and economy.
After almost two hours of what St'at'imc representatives believed to be honorable discussions, they were notified that the cutting permit had been issued two days earlier. This came as a total shock to St'at'imc representatives.
Unless circumstances are to change, St'at'imc representative Chiefs see no reason to continue the mediation process and are forced by circumstances to take immediate action to protect the area for which the cutting permit was issued. IT'S TIME TO ACT.
YOUR SUPPORT IS NEEDED: food, funds and other supplies will be appreciated. All donations can be sent to the Lillooet Tribal Council office Ph (250) 256-7523. LTC will ensure that all donations go to support Delgamuuk'w Inn.
Glen Clark, Premier of British Columbia:
Ainsworth Lumber Company:
Ainsworth Chief Forester:
cc to Union of BC Indian Chiefs: