MAI: Multilateral Agreement on Investment APEC: Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation NAFTA : North American Free Trade Agreement* GENERAL NEWS / COMMENTARY
Nov 26/98: Indian farmers call for action against Monsanto Dec 01/97: Peoples' movements vs. 'free' trade & WTO Oct 25/97: US scientists reject Human Genome Diversity Project
Text of Agreement
* February 1998 draft (OECD MAI Negotiating Text) PDF format: http://www.oecd.org/daf/cmis/mai/maindex.htm http://www.oecd.org/daf/cmis/mai/maitext.pdf Text format (unofficial formatting): approx. 270 KB http://web.uvic.ca/german/hendrik/mai-0298.txt http://www.interlog.com/~cjazz/mai.txt * October 1997 draft: 176 pages
Discussion, analysis, commentary
* Mar 05/98: Report on MAI consultation with Maori * Dec 01/97: No MAI - Haaere Atu! * Nov 12/97: NGO report on MAI 'consultation' in Paris * Nov 09/97: Transcript of radio discussion on MAI & Maori sovereignty * Nov 07/97: Transcript of TV discussion on MAI & Maori sovereignty * Jul / 97: 10 reasons to be concerned about the MAI; commentaryNews / Updates
* Nov 05/97: NZ government consults Maori on MAI * Nov 03/97: MAI hearings to be held in Ottawa
* MAI-Not! Main page: http://news.flora.org/flora.mai-not/ Searchable index at http://search.dejanews.com/bg.xp?level=flora.mai-not; try keywords such as indigenous, aboriginal, native. Library: http://mai.flora.org/library/ List of MAI-Not! URLs: http://news.flora.org/flora.mai-not/3264 Email: MAI-Not@flora.org * Canada Department of Foreign Affairs & International Trade http://www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/ The Canadian government's position on the MAI.
Discussion, analysis, commentary
* Global Marketplace, Colonial Agendas - 1996 paper by GATT Watchdog activist Aziz Choudry. Placing national and global economics in the "context of the ongoing colonisation of Maori lands, lives, resources and futures". * APEC, Free Trade and "Economic Sovereignty" - Paper delivered in November, 1996 by GATT Watchdog representative Aziz Choudry, at conference in the Philippines prior to the Manila People's Forum on APEC. An excellent overview of global economic structures and colonialism. Particularly insightful in its critique of the use of the term "sovereignty" by colonial politicians and settler activists.Resistance to APEC
* "People's Apec": Two meetings, two views - Critique of 1995 NGO Forum on APEC held in Osaka, Japan. * Campaign against APEC Leaders Summit, November 25 - 28 1997 Transcripts of hearings to investigate complaints of police brutality against APEC protestors Nov 11/97: Canada denies entry to anti-APEC delegates Sep 13/97: BC Premier - "Aboriginal people have huge potential" Sep 11/97: Indonesian leader may not attend APEC due to protests Aug / 97: Proposal for day of action during APEC * Groups fighting APEC APEC Alert: grassroots action to oppose APEC at UBC Email: alert@netinfo.ubc.ca WWW: http://www.cs.ubc.ca/spider/fuller/apec_alert GATT Watchdog Email: gattwd@corso.ch.planet.gen.nz No to APEC!: Network Opposed to Anti-People Economic Control Email: notoapec@vcn.bc.ca WWW: http://www.carleton.ca/~shick/front.htm
Discussion, analysis, commentary
* Sep 05/98: Tricky NAFTA 'First Nations' summit
Night-Vision: Illuminating War and Class on the Neo-Colonial Terrain. Butch Lee and Red Rover. 1993: Vagabond Press, 496A Hudson St., Suite E14, New York, NY, USA 10014.