To: Jean Chretien, Prime Minister of Canada Premier Mike Harcourt, British Columbia Premier Mike Harris, OntarioBe advised this date, September 7, 1995, that:
- Any further violence committed against our sovereign Turtle Island Brothers and Sisters of the Shuswap Nation, at Gustafsen Lake, British Columbia, or Stoney Nation at Ipperwash Park, Ontario, will be answered in kind.
- Those directly and indirectly responsible for the murders of our brothers (one a fifteen year old boy) at Ipperwash, Ontario, will be identified and held accountable for their actions.
- Those directly and indirectly responsible for the beatings of our women and children at Ipperwash, Ontario, will be identified and held accountable for their actions.
We have remained silent for some time now in the hope that your governments could finally come to terms honorably with our rights to sovereign control of our lands and destiny. You have always said that all you needed was just a little more time - as if 500 years is not enough. And what have you given to our people with that little more time? You have given to us more guns, more bullets, more violence, more threats, more empty fascist rhetoric about your law and order, all at the expense of justice for our people. Even your self-government packages and policing agreements drip with the venomous intentions you have towards our people and their sovereignty. They are not silent on our rights. They scream out your intention to extinguish us. They are Dr. Kevorkian's tools for assisted suicide, that will kill us as surely as your guns and bullets.
And so, we remain silent no more. And so, we advise you that we will not stand idly by while you continue to brutalize our people.
For the civilized record: First comes truth. Then comes justice. Then comes the mutually nourishing strength that leads to a living law and order. Only in a brutally repressive fascist state does law and order stand alone - like police state tanks and bullets.
The latest victims of your fascist state are: Dudley George, shot in the back; Nicholas Cottrell, 15, unarmed, executed with a bullet to the head.Rotiskenakateh