Dec 18/97: Legislative discussion on Stoney Point



posted by Sandra Mitchell

December 18, 1997


Mr Gerry Phillips (Scarborough-Agincourt): My question is to the Premier, and it's on Ipperwash. We've been trying to get to the bottom of this situation at Ipperwash for some time. On August 22, we requested information under freedom of information. Since then, it appears to us that someone has coordinated a deliberate attempt to keep the information from us. We'd like to know what is happening. It took until October 24 to get a response, and then, coincidentally, all five ministries responded on the same day. They asked for $1,215 to proceed. We got the money. They then responded to us on December 5 that we would get another answer - surprise, surprise - on December 22.

My question to you, Premier, is, can you assure the public and the House that no one on your staff is coordinating the responses to these freedom of information requests?

Hon Michael D. Harris (Premier): I have no idea if these are order paper questions or if these are freedom of information requests. I have no idea who does that.

Mr Phillips: Then I would appreciate your investigating, because you refused even to commit to holding a public inquiry on Ipperwash. We now are trying to get information on what happened there. We have followed the process, we have given written requests for it, we've given the money for the information and we, at every step, are being delayed. I ask this simple request of you, Mr Premier. Because you don't know the answer, will you undertake to get an answer to my question? Will you ask your staff today whether anyone on your personal staff is responsible for coordinating the responses to our freedom of information request?

Hon Mr Harris: Sure.

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