Update: Sept. 21, 1996


Update on the Aazhoodenaang Enjibaajig, the Stoney Point people

September 21, 1996

- by Tariq Hassan Gordon, Anti-Colonial Action Alliance

posted by odonnels@ccmail.dcu.ie, on NATIVE-L

In memory of Dudley George, the Stoney Point First Nation held the 1st Annual Traditional Gathering on September 6. It was one year ago that the Ontario Provincial Police opened fire on members of the Stoney Point First Nation during a peaceful occupation of Ipperwash Provincial Park. When the OPP pulled out of the park, many people had been beaten, one person had been shot and wou nded and Dudley George was fatally injured by a bullet to the chest.

After a 10 month investigation the Special Investigations Unit released its report in August on the shooting death of Dudley George. Out of that report, OPP officer Kenneth Dean was charged with criminal negligence causing death. Dean was second-in-command of the Tactics and Rescue Unit operation at Ipperwash Provincial Park.

The officer's first court appearance was on August 13th, 1996 at the Sarnia Provincial Court House, th e same court room that 26 Stoney Point people are facing over 30 charges relating to the occupation of the park. During the court appearance the Ontario Foundation of Individual Rights and Equality [ON-FIRE] held a rally to have the charge against the OPP officer dropped.

ON-FIRE Linked to the Mackenzie Institute

At the rally, members of ON-FIRE were passing out The Ipperwash Protests- An Unfinished Drama, a briefing note produced by the Mackenzie Institute. The Mackenzie Institute for the Study of Terrorism, Revolution and Propaganda is a right wing think tank founded in 1986. The Institute is linked to the Northern Foundation, the Centre for Conflict Studies, the North American Region World Anti-Communist League, Citizens for Foreign Aid Reform and many other far right organizations as well as the Reform Party and the Canadian Armed Forces. John C. Thompson, the author of the briefing note has also written briefing notes on the Mohawk Warrior Society and the Oka Crisis.

In the Legacy of Oka, published by the Mackenzie Institute, it was suggested that the Army's involvement at Oka gave the Warrior Society a moral victory in the eyes of the public. It was then recomended that the Canadian state hire, equip and train police forces with the idea of using them as a counterinsurgency force to be used for any future confrontations with First Nations. These heavily-armed police forces would be used quickly, with no time taken for "prolonged negotiations" (Mackenzie Institute Exposed 1995).

The role and actions of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police during the standoff at Gustafsen Lake and the Ontario Provincial Police at Ipperwash Provincial Park last summer suggests that the recommendations of the Mackenzie Institute have been read by members of the government.

The direct link between the current president of ON-FIRE, Rick Shultz (also a member of the West Ipperwash Property Association) and the Mackenzie Institute clearly illustrates the right wing agenda of ON-FIRE. Rick Shultz is quoted extensively by John C. Thompson and described as "the self-restrained leader of ON-FIRE, and a leading light of West Ipperwash."

Dudley George Memorial Fund Closed

Unfortunately the actions of ON-FIRE are not the only opposition that the people of Stoney Point are currently facing. The Toronto Dominion Bank unilaterally closed the Dudley George Memorial Fund. Harry Verburg, the Bluewater Regional Manager for the Toronto Dominion Bank stated in a letter of correspondence to Marcia Simon, treasurer of the Fund, that the bank did not agree to have the TD Bank `being a reference point' for donations.

The bank has been pressured by members of the Kettle & Stony Point band council to close the account. Kettle & Stony Point is funding a public relations officer to coopt and counter the public support for the recognition of Stoney Point First Nation, reserve # 43. According to Marcia Simon, there are "two First Nation communities with one band council administration." This was an externally imposed situation after the federal government appropriated the unceeded territory of Stoney Point in 1942 under to War Measures Act and relocated some of the Stoney Point families to swamp land on the Kettle Point reserve (others became refugees across Ontario).

The federal government only recognizes the Kettle and Stony Point band council. They will not negotiate with the people living on Stoney Point territory. The Federal government is manipulating the divisions of the two communities and using the Kettle and Stony Point band council to undermine the position of the Stoney Point people and fight a proxy public relations war.

The Stoney Point people need urgent support for their struggle for self-determination. The trial date for the 26 Stoney Point members has been set for two weeks beginning October 21, 1996 in Sarnia; they are in critical need of funds for their legal expenses. In Canada send donation to: "Stoney Point Legal Fund" c/o The Canadian Alliance in Solidarity with Native Peoples 39 Spadina Rd. Toronto, ON M5R 2S9 (416) 972-1573 fax (416) 972-6232. Income tax receipts will be issued.

In the United States:

"Stoney Point Legal Fund"
c/o Indian World
1732221 Telegraph S. 207
Detroit, MI
(313) 535-9728
Fax (313) 535-7822
Income tax receipts will be issued.
For More Information Contact:
Marcia Simon
RR #2, Forest, ON
N0N 1J0 Canada
(519) 786-4052
Fax: (519) 786-6642

Anti-Colonial Action Alliance
Box 25, 197 Hunter St. W.
Peterborough, ON
K9G 2L1 Canada
email: thassan@trentu.ca

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