Synopsis of Seneca tax resistance, Apr 20-23/97


- posted on April 24, 1997 by Mohawk Nation Office -- Kahnawake Branch

MAIN ISSUE: New York State is illegally forcing taxation on Indian Nations in New York State without consultation, knowledge or consent of the People. The Iroquois Constitution, the Two Row Wampum agreement and treaties have been violated.

Sunday April 20, 1997

Seneca Nation and non-Native supporters hold a peaceful rally on Seneca Territory at Cattaraugus. New York State Governor George Pataki sends in police forces to enforce illegal embargo and to start forcing Indians to pay taxes on the sale of fuel and cigarettes to non-Indians.
Monday April 21, 1997
Over 150 heavily armed New York State Troopers backed by the National Guard surround and put the Seneca Nation under siege. People are beaten and arrested. One woman was beaten unconscious and updates on her condition are not available.
Tuesday April 22, 1997
The Women of the Iroquois Confederacy from all six Nations hold a press conference in Tonawanda Seneca Territory, New York to uphold the Great Law of Peace, the Kaienerekowa and the Two Row Wampum: to oppose the economic crisis caused by the illegal imposition of taxation by New York State; to ask that the United States Congress abide by the treaties and agreements and make the agreement NULL AND VOID.

People's Rights Violated: According to Wampum #93 - "The People decide on the most important matters", not the hand-picked corrupt chiefs recognized by the BIA who signed a secret deal with New York State; these men are not sanctioned by the Women's Council nor the People of the Haudenosaunee.

Third Impartial Party: According to the Two Row Wampum treaties, any problems between the Haudenosaunee and the United States of America must go to an impartial third party, not to the United States' own 'justice' system. Enforcing laws on Aboriginal people amounts to treason, fraud and genocide. The American legal system has no jurisdiction over Aboriginal people and nations civilly, criminally or any other way. New York State still insists that they still have a deal when the state has no authority to make a deal with any Indian Nation. It can only be done through the President.

Monday April 21, 1997
Rotiskenrakete Mohawk Warrior Society meet to discuss situation in Seneca Territory, decide to take a stand to support the Seneca in their resistance to illegal taxation by New York State in violation of their sovereignty. The Rotiskenrakete urges support for the Seneca Nation of Indians.
Wednesday April 23, 1997
New York State Police and National Guard pull out of Seneca Territory at Cattaraugus. Seneca Nation deputize their own marshalls to patrol their territory to watch for incursions and to keep the peace. Cigarettes and gas are being delivered to outlets on Seneca Nation territory.
Schindler Must Resist: The People do not want Mike Schindler, Seneca Leader, to sign a deal with New York State, who are putting pressure on him. He needs support to resist.

Supporters are asked to strongly condemn this violent attack and violations of First Nations sovereignty. Fax messages to your political representatives, the media and to President Bill Clinton at 202/456-2461; Hillary Clinton at 202/456-6244; and Governor Pataki at 518/474-8099. Call the National Guard at Albany, New York 518/465-1618 and New York State Police 518/783-3211 and state your opposition to their actions of violation of Iroquois sovereignty.

From: Ishgooda
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 1997 22:20:32
Subject: Re: Seneca Tobacco and Fuel Tax Situation


As posted earlier this tentative agreement has fallen through (as announced by Mike Schindler) on this evening's news. The state is insisting upon an "exchange of information", meaning they are insisting that these native business owners on the *sovereign* (?) territories fully open their books and account to the state of New York for their sales...whether this is a splinter faction of entrepeneurs...or the voice of the people of the reserves, the fact remains the state of New York has no legal right to call for this action, or attempt to enforce this through armed force...


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